A drawing of people looking at a larger-than-life film strip woven around tall, purple rectangles.

Build alignment and engagement. Capture hearts and minds.

In a Nutshell

We craft compelling stories about strategic impact, so you can explain how and why the work is driving the organization forward.

Engaging with Authenticity

Meaningful stakeholder engagement is a critical element in any moment of organizational change. For engagement to be effective, and authentic, it needs to be tailored to your organization’s culture and the inflection point you are navigating. Sometimes, that might mean co-creating change with a broad set of stakeholders. Other times, it might entail a more didactic approach that helps teams understand where you are headed and why.

We think carefully about how and when to engage your stakeholders. Every interaction is purposeful, is sensitive to context, and has a defined outcome, whether that is shaping the trajectory of an inflection point, or building awareness and enthusiasm for change.

Socialization is Integral to the Work Itself

Telling the story of an initiative — and why it matters — is a core part of our process. The act of socializing projects with internal colleagues pressure-tests the outputs and makes them better. Your organization needs to be able to understand and use project deliverables in order for them to provide practical, lasting value.

Our job isn’t done until you know how to communicate the value of the work so that it resonates with your stakeholders. Socialization is where the rubber hits the road, and that is why it’s an integral part of every Workomics partnership.

In my ~15 years in the healthcare industry I’ve never partnered with an external vendor as adept and skilled at storytelling. I’ve been consistently amazed at how Workomics helps turn the data and insights from my projects into a cohesive and compelling narrative. Months of work turned into a short presentation that leads to real world tactics that help improve patient outcomes. Workomics is a true strategic partner. Their teams take the time to understand the details and make connections to the big picture, but perhaps most importantly, help turn complexity into clear actions.

— Thanos Kantarelis
Patient Insights Lead,
top 10 US pharmaceutical manufacturer

Compelling Visual Design

Visual design is so much more than pretty slides or a glossy deliverable. It’s creating images that reinforce and expand upon your message and heighten its emotional impact. It’s using colour and visual hierarchy to make information easier to read and retain. It’s telling a more complete story — in words and pictures — so that everyone understands where we’re going and why.

Especially at an inflection point, our clients have to communicate a lot of change and complexity. Workomics uses compelling visual design to make those communications clearer, stickier, and more inspiring.

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Storytelling is critical for helping the organization understand how strategy ties to implementation.

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Customer Experience Strategy

We helped a growing team cut across silos and organize around the customer journey.

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